When it comes to security systems, there are no shortage of solutions that make them attractive to business owners and homeowners alike. If you find yourself looking for improvements to your security system, you may be interested to know more about smart video surveillance. Let’s talk a bit more about it and see how it can improve your home or facility’s security.
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Smart security cameras are an innovative security solution that will help you monitor access to your home or facility, receive important updates, focus on crucial moments, and even share those moments with law enforcement and authorities at touch of a button. What are the key benefits? Let’s take a look:
1. Centralized cloud management
Secure monitoring and management of all your cameras anytime, anywhere with no extra software required.
2. Out of the Box Usage
With onboard video storage, there’s no need for an NVR or extra analytic packages.
3. Security
Cameras automatically purchase publicly signed SSL certificates and data is, by default, encrypted. This helps makes your physical security safe from cybersecurity threats.
4. Bandwidth-conscious
The smart video architecture places video on the camera, rather than on the cloud, ensuring critical network activities get the bandwidth they need.
Additionally, smart video security cameras never stop recording. Since video is stored on the camera itself, the camera will continue to record even if the network connection fails. Solid state storage and intelligent software also allow for customizable video retention. Smart video also allows for a backup cloud archive.
So, what does this mean for your everyday life and your security system? Let’s highlight a few things:
- Smart video cameras will enable you to receive text alerts or emails, so you receive a video clip whenever someone walks up to the door or otherwise triggers the recording.
- This video solution allows you to answer the door from your smartphone, so you don’t have to stop what you’re doing to answer it—even if you’re not home. A video doorbell, for example lets you see, hear, and even talk to visitors right from your phone.

Vermillion Systems and our partners at Avigilon install specialized Smart Video Surveillance systems.
- Object detection: smart video allows you to identify whatever triggered the camera such as a person, animal, or vehicle.
- Tie specific events to objects or times of day: you can make different things happen depending on what the camera sees; for example, you may want a text alert every time your camera sees a car, but not an animal. You can also choose to receive alerts depending on the time of day: so perhaps you only want these alerts during work hours when no one is home.
- Smart video cameras also allow you to “draw” invisible tripwires so you know whenever it is activated.
- Facial recognition: smart video surveillance allows the camera to memorize faces and associate them with your unique user code. To add to this “learning” theme, smart cameras can be “taught” to ignore routine events; for example, throughout the majority of the year you don’t need to know every time a postal worker drops off the mail.
So, as we have seen, there are many benefits of integrating smart video solutions into your home security: they truly are the future of security systems. Your home is your most precious investment and break-ins can seriously damage your peace of mind, so don’t risk your home to dubious security systems. The Vermillion Systems team is fully-equipped with all your security needs and our expertise will help keep your home safe.